Glades County residents registered a total of approximately 11,890 vehicles used for personal and commercial purposes. This total makes up 0.07% of all Florida-registered vehicles.
About 71% of adult drivers in Glades County are alone in their respective vehicles when commuting to work, and more than 1 in 3 drivers take more than 30 minutes for each trip.
About 1 in 5 Florida-based drivers do not have auto insurance coverage, and this implies that more than 2,000 vehicles in Glades County could possibly be uninsured or underinsured. Aside from this, around every 7th traffic accident in Glades County is a hit and run.
Deaths caused by vehicular collisions in Glades County statistically occur at a rate of 37.54 per 100,000 vehicles on the road: approximately 5 fatal crashes per year.
In 2021, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) reported 170 crashes in Glades County: 3 fatal crashes that caused 3 fatalities. Studies have shown that in 26% of traffic-related fatalities, alcohol was a significant factor — which is the lowest percentage in the state of Florida.
To discuss your auto insurance needs and to find affordable car insurance in Glades County, contact a knowledgeable Property & Casualty (P&C) insurance agent licensed in the state of Florida.
Glades County’s estimated 7,254 homes primarily (80%) consist of owner-occupied housing properties, with the remaining 20% as rental units. Among the neighbors, Charlotte County shares Glades County's 80% owner rate as the highest owner-occupied rate in the area. On the other hand, Hendry County’s 65% owner-occupied rate is the lowest, nearly matching Florida’s average.
Across Florida, Sumter County has the most homes occupied by owners (nearly 90%) while Miami-Dade County offers the highest percentage of its real estate as rentals.
About 17% of the homes in Glades County encounter housing problems, overcrowding, substandard plumbing, or kitchen problems. In 1 out of 4 homes, residents dedicate more than 50% of their income to housing expenses.
For consultation and to get a quote on Homeowners, Renters, Condo, Flood, and other types of property insurance in Glades County, contact a Property & Casualty (P&C) insurance agent licensed in the state of Florida.
A Florida P&C insurance agent:
Approximately 30% of Glades County’s adult population do not have proper health insurance coverage. Among the neighboring counties, DeSoto County is at par with Glades County, followed by Okeechobee County at 27%. Charlotte County’s 18% is the lowest in the region and is the only figure below the Florida average of 19%. Hendry County has the highest uninsured adult rate at 35%, and it is also the highest in Florida. St. Johns County has the lowest rate statewide at 13%.
Approximately 27% (≈3,800) of Glades County residents experience health issues. This is partially due to the fact that among the adult population, 26% smoke, 1 in 5 consume too much alcohol, and around 35% of the residents do not exercise regularly. Additionally, 31% of the population in Glades County have limited access to healthy foods, which is the highest in Florida.
The fact that more than 1 in 3 Glades County residents do not exercise regularly contributes to Glades County’s 39% obesity rate (BMI of 30 or more) — this rate is above the Florida average of 27%. Among the peer counties, Martin County has the lowest obesity rate of 20%, followed by Palm Beach County , at 22%.
In 2022, there were 14 health insurers in Glades County offering affordable and frequently subsidized ACA health insurance on the Florida health marketplace.
The average Glades County resident has a lifespan of 84.1 years, and this figure is the highest in its region. It is also a longer life expectancy compared to the Florida average of 80.2 years. Palm Beach County’s 82.6-year average comes in second, while the shortest life expectancy is observed in Okeechobee County at an average of 76.4 years.
In the entire state of Florida, Collier County has the longest average life expectancy at 86 years old, while the shortest average is recorded in Union County, at under 69 years old.
In 2022 there were approximately 4,000 seniors (65 and older) residing in Glades County.
A traditional funeral in Florida can cost between $4,000 and $10,000, while the average across the state is around $5,900, which includes basic service fees, casket, embalming, transportation, viewing, and burial.
Among Glades County’s neighbors, Lee County has the most expensive funerals at around $6,700, followed by Palm Beach County with an average funeral cost of $6,300. The most affordable funerals are observed in DeSoto County at about $4,600. In fact, DeSoto County, along with Putnam County has the lowest average costs in the entire state of Florida. Collier County has the most expensive funeral average statewide at $9,600.
Commercial insurance needs vary between each of the estimated 200 business establishments in Glades County. The three largest job-creating sectors, accounting for approximately 71% of all employment in 2020 were: